Sunday, February 18, 2007

on tue 23jan,went2 work as usual.took e shuttle opp raffles city.aint hard2 find.e queue4 shuttle is like toto queue,no need show ur pass.reach a lil late.ate w colleagues@ suntec.had hokkien mee in beige paper.nice.e queue4 shuttle 2go back nx2 candy empire@ millenia.e its sht din com.strange. e nx day reach work abt 915am,linda ask mi com on time wait e dept head(boss) u tink he'd scold?did filin again n get tix.e its sht din com slack.went wif kt(ee fong lookalike) n pat2 suntec fdcourt again,den 2of e ladies went beach rd cos they gt umbrella, we fair.ate beef brisket noodle.rox!!nx day reach abt 904am.did e usual stuff,learn2 use fotocopier, help kt.finally e its came!!ate w kt@ another suntec fdcourt.e rice w meat yum,den check out e cart stall n e fair goin on.e camera n shades rox!!did e same ol stuff,use fotocopier kenny file sum paper2 e pendin remit.tis e hardest job,other den sortin pendin outward remit.e nx day reach like a min earlier.ate @same plc w kt,but ate economy food.yum.did e same ol stuff,use fotocopier again,but fr 3pm,e logbk nt filled by fault?on sat,jery came over2 swim,tok abt her life,ate wif us,kor cut hair n she stayover cos she lonely.nx day,led kids in singspiration.felt weird.chu din com again.pastors msg on calvinism cheam but nt bad.tok wif goh sis,more w ruth,so weird.her change of style was shockin! thot yf got song prac but instead its church trick!went tamp mart makan,den dad,mom went2 get printer n plasma tv.on mon 29th,did sum filin,get tix as usual,sort other remits,help others find remit.sian,e filin keep mi busy,cant realli help others.linda sudd perm hair(shockin) n they put up cny decoration. gt paper cut.while jery finish work@ 3pm,i was stil fair.had meesiam n barley@ kopitiam's pathetic,but e food's hot n shiok.tue,all i did was filin(finally e '4500' files came in),sort other remits,help others find remit,hardly get tix n record in e logbk cos joanne wanna do it.din get e its sht.mayb im 2slow.oso gd,less work cut e boss 2chop co stamp on my time sht.ate @o'brien irish bankrupt cos they charge $7.10 4tuna,bacon,lettuce bread n ting gt enuf $$.heard snow patrol songs.guess e band's fr ireland.but will e cafe oni promote their song?? found out boss can nag n scold u like dealin wif a kid.when i left work,all of em stil workin!heck care,these days cant wait2 zao.e plasma tv came,so shiok!!e nx day did e tix,filin n giv sum letters 2tis indian guy at e counter.went wif 'a.eefong'(kt)2suntec's downstair fdcourt eat taiwanese noodle w lil chilli.nt bad. dad pick mi up at our station.lame?nx day,had2 file a whole stack of accumulated papers,sort out by 'a.eefong'.e ref no realli shock mi.troublesum 2file.strangely,din hafta giv e indian guy e letters.den went w her 2e upstair fdcourt of suntec 2eat katsu curry rice w free miso soup.lil hot but yum.borin la,she go same plc eat,but stil 1of my best companion.she told mi e prev day they went back aft 1030pm.crazy? nx day,on fri 2feb,i was so sian i read bk in front of em,cos aft end of e mth or '1end',they more free.heck care.less filin 2do,made wasted trip downstair get afew tix n post 2 papers.instead of givin e letters 2 e indian guy, gav sum1 sum blank application paper.e 'charges' file shift2 another cupboard.damn,so mafan.end of e day,purposely left papers behind.file on mon. discover e top flr of e plc.ate hor fun w dad near his wkplc.nt tat nice,diluted sauce,no burnt taste.spill coffee on his shirt,n he guaguajiao.gotta noe his colleagues chris n jeff.y muz he intro mi 2em.wu liao!n he report2 mom tat we makan 2gether.dots.on sat stay yest papers,watch tv,use net.on msn,est tok abt william rast.whos tat?den jery tok abt her life n e day she work long hrs.thot her job was cool.tok2 joyce,lh,tis stranger who always 4get mi n kal,whom din c 4 4yrs!!she intro 2mi a jap weepie n she like phantom.hmm,i feel tho e colleagues r frenly,they like dun realli like mi le.time flies,jan so soon came 2an end.e temp job sure does make mi feel sian,everyday do same ting.on mon 5th-fri 9th,all i did was filin papers,but nt tat much,xcept thu,fri,help kenny file e pendin sheets tat com nonstop,get tix,pass sumicorp letter 2'pangzi', help ppl find remits.i read bk n was warned by jan,so paisei.lectured a lil by linda n pat abt gettin tix on free pigs mean invincibility, valour,drive n wer used as sum dictators symbol. learnt2use e machine2 clock papers.mon ate@ suntec,tue ate meepok@ millenia,wed was BK,thu ate w 'a.eefong' n pauline den went carrefour look 4goodies.' fong' bought biscuit.she ate normal share n pauline ate oni rice n veg.mayb shes vegan.a lucky fountain was on e desk4a day oni.fri ate w dad@ raku zen.e food rox,but wish he bring mi further den suntec area.on sat 10th suppose2 help chu in newsletter but din.went4 reunion dinner.mosly tok2 fiona,sharon,u.yong huat n u.boontat.learnt more abt nic's life,din tok much2 e leo sis.nx day was yf anni,suppose 2b e wk aft but cos of cny,push 4ward.mel was hot in red n her sis was wearin a jap uniform.wld luv 2wear tat.e yf msg was soso but sian.e anni visitors who came surprise mi a lil,but not as many as last yr.e nx few days work as usual.mon,ate w dad n uncle ben at shanghai rest,n went back late,tue ate laksa,wed nasi lemak,thu at fdcourt w mom,fri w mom n dad@ BigO,western fd.tue had headache,queasy tummy n borrow jacket,n wed tummy stil felt lil bad.was lectured by linda again cos i went late2 get tix,den held her her file renewals once again aft a long while.did e usual filin job,pendin n open letters n clock em.on Vday,sum ppl like my bro n ms tay got choc n flower,while i had a greetin fr lizzie n a lady gav choc bar.kinda cOol!!got free orange n pineapple tart as well. heard a huge transaction of 48billion yen!!how much is tat in sing $?found out u.khenghian work same blg as mi,@toyota motor asiapac!e salary came in,n i felt injustified.suppose2 get 480bucks,but got 384bucks.ahh!!e 96bucks went2 cpf lor.wapiang.on fri,was rainin so heavy @workplc,but mom told mi our plc din rain.weird.those of us who left aft 6 shook e others' hands 4cny nice.i left extra work slow rite?on sat went ahkim's hs4 dinner.e fish,chick,beef,soup,veg, shitake,yusheng rox n left mi super full.usually gt dessert but we oni had coffee n soft drink aft dinner.drank sooming kor's coffee e 1st 1st yuck but became yum.soojin kors baby comin,n e old jokes abt he n his bros start again.they oso tok abt durai's 'indian peanuts', tea origins,aussie unis n mi treatin ahku 2 1/2 boil oni 1angbao tat nite.e handmade card fr sooann kor soo cute.2day went church.lil weird cos not mani ppl.est n her sis nice,cheryl had weird hair,mel look lk detective,her sis lk football star,jol wore spag stripe under her jacket n jery look lk a schgal. sum wore red,lk 54bucks fr e aunts.ate @white sand's swenson.e mall's like ghost town.e salmon baked rice,drink,soup was gd.went laokims hs,but so weird,oni got tristan ther.a.pat, joo's family n u.alex nt abt 48bucks. u.guansoon ask mi abt my life.sighs.laokim looks beta now.ate yam puddin(cold nt nice)n drank orange sqaush.e limelite went2 tristan cos he tok abt his scdf life.wa,he can tok nonstop.when we sent him 2his grandma's hs,he tok nonstop.i din realli bother2 listen 2everythin.pass orchard rd aft sendin him back,it was ghost town n dad tried e sims ave highway back home.qt fast men. tis sums up a weird day.wishin u guys blessed happie new yr!gongxifacai,wanshiruyi,xinxiangshicheng, shentijiankang,niannianyouyu, pengyoumantang,bubugaoshen.sorri 2those who hardly c mi online.busy outside fr mon-fri.
guess tis cny occasion gotta ans e curious relatives as 2wad im doin,but nv mind,i feel proud sayin e co's name,but as 4e deg course in apr,im stil nt sure if sld take.dun feel like studyin. hope wont get sorethroat fr e goodies.
fav song...nas 'hiphop is dead',redsuit jump apparatus 'face down',weird al yankovic 'polkarama'(~12song.sum nicer den e original), taylor hick'jus tat way'

princess-surfer at 9:09 AM


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hi, name: saraH age: 21 sch: mdis dob: 10.9.87 hometown: east of s'pore likes: eatin, sleepin, watchin tv n net, explorin dislikes: crowd, loud noise, naggin, screechy cardboard or styrofoam noise, bein disturbed in e dark




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