Tuesday, November 21, 2006

so study wk i was stuck at home but din becom2 crazy...oni on sat 11th went hougang mall meet auntkahloon,pakloon they all.finally liberation!! sent jojo,kors best fren back 1st.wa piang,c him so often!! fr thu2sat ate fish bee hoon or porridge.no more fish4 now!! b4 we reach e mall,pass shophouse.e coffeeshop felt deja vu2 mi.went ther n mall last yr.aunt kl came s'pore2 remove gall bladder.mom says gall stones com abt if e bile is not used well,means if u dun eat enuf can get.hmm.e best is eat moderate. we ate vietnamese food.e chicken,pork chop taste like satay,yum,beef not so nice.e spring roll w sauce rox.i finish almos e whole plate! haiz,nic din tok much.thot she can tok alot.den we went gelare eat waffle.mom,kl n dad left4 ntuc.den nic family n i share waffle.e choc ice cream got rum.so so but waffles nice,like macs bfast.they force mi eat e remainin. soo full. nic qt thin,she sld hav eaten. den we went ntuc.they met up wif familiar faces,n dad went2 buy more cranberry.muz take away his cards n cash so he wont buy.tink he OBSESSED by it.scary.wads so nice abt it?!!i bought battery.e mart near home much cheaper! den they show us short cut out of e mall n left.e shopkeepers all anxious2 close e doors at e same time.so funny.e hdb carpark upper flr diff flr diff color.e blue flr rox!! guess its4 car owner2 remb which flr they park.on sun,was ok.e brochure on doulos bkfair@vivo amaze mi cos e ship 2yrs younger den titanic,n since 1977,it travelled ard whole world4 mission,sell christian stuff n got all sorts of activities.i so wanna go,but got exam.ahH!!e church giv tis n even 'life!' oso tok abt it. surprisingly esther n her sis go 4 ss n stay aft service,cos usually aft service,aft i pray,they disappear into thin air.how do they do tat??durin yf mtg ther wer sum suggestn 2improve yf,like buddy system,3or 4ppl in a gp,youth outreach, container upgrade sound cOol,but msn gp's stupid!! wld they do it??din noe ther wer so mani nov ppls bday...saw e new cbc. tho e layout abt e same,e entrance,restaurant, toilets,kids area, chalet rm toilet,wall, window,ktv rm n readin lounge improve!qt nice lei!!e old readin rm,ktv n arcade gone.wonda how long they took2 renovate.lunch@ loyang pt ol fdcourt. tink e new1's much nicer!mon econ exam was ok,but my ans kinda short...those who use more den a bklet freak mi out...how they do tat??wanted2 do qn1 wif ppc n chicken mkt but not sure...frm tue 2thu was stuck at home...ok e pom paper was fine.e stupid mrp qn,was stuck.anyhow do.tink will get v.few marks.hope can pass!!e other qns wer ok2 do...a fren oni did 3out of 4.met up wif vietnamese fren,she jus finish 3rd paper4 deg.her last paper on 27nov...not bad eh??1 over wk2 prepare...den mon 20th nov was last paper!!i kinda noe how2 do,but damn e ans so short.a fren used 1 1/2bklet.how they do tat!!e invigilators concern abt e heat comin2 e exam rm,so shut e blinds.thotful eh? den when takin train home,tis man pass mi an umbrella2 shelter myself tho i alreadi gt umbrella.thotful,y not giv 2 sum1 who need it more??but he jus said its spoiled alreadi,so i jus took frm him n throw in e bin.but mom tinks he mite hav cast spell on it den pass 2mi.scary.ya,hes kinda weird. dun like studyin4 exam,so hard2 concentrate n memorise e facts!!gt cold feet abt takin deg,tho i stil wanna take.tat has always been my dream.tats e highest i'd go.nxt day,aunt kl,inez, nic n her playmate cum neighbor came my plc n inez gav mi a pillow on ps 23.sweet.but i got enuf pillows le.they went swimmin.nv seen nic in costume.HOT!! she gt mad when i told her tat.hahax.inez's costumes like a spagetti stripe n red panty.she came 2spore wif uncle yuen kees colleague i tink.haha.i guess i'd b joinin em soon.but so SIAN of my house pool le!!yeah,now im FREE LIKE A BIRD!!but now onwards do wad?? yeah lookin 4ward 4interview tom 4'corporate support officer'@ immigration(if dun get job,wld help aunt doris in church work!), c ms tay,ms goh n mayb lynn's hs!!
>>e mystery of e missin receipts...ther wer 2papers in e toilet when i was bathin wif e name 'david martin' n a list of items on em... nxt day they disappear... dunno if kor or dad left em ther.but y of all places e toilet??o_0 both of em denied...i feel cld b dads stuff,but he cant remb. looks like kors papers but he denied.mayb he bluff.if these 2dudes din put,den did a ghost put em ther?!strange.freaky. dunno y mos ppl r crazy abt taggin blog.heez.sld i meet ms tay on 31dec c show.c if gt anythin nice 1st.its a form of new yr celebration...ahh...she change blogskin n add qt often!!
>>entertainment newz... hollywood divorce couples seem2b on e rise- 'life!' so funny...say k-fed becom fed-ex... tat guy marry britney jus4 her fame... if not4 her,he wont b known here.lao pok. she cant seem2 make up her mind abt marriage... in future she hafta carefully choose mr rite!! these hollywood peeps mite as well dun marry...like reese n ryan philippe,paul mccartney n heather oso leave each other...4e reese n ryan ting,these men either sld not marry or they muz marry a vely pretty or sexy gal...wonda whos nxt??e other story is celebs who do scary stuff... like kanye west din win an mtv award,he storm onto stage in anger,sayin he sld win cos he invest millions in a video n got pam anderson in it...n faith hill mouth 'wad' in disbelief when c.underwood won award.guess they cant accept their loss...on radio shan went melbourne til 20nov...e dj frm us who replaced him,xavier not bad!!is he chinese or angmoh?o_0 e bond movie here le,lookin 4ward but i stil prefer e previous bond. ahh!!y muz he go?!they say he2 old n he wan higher paycheck...but i tink hes e best.of all e 5 bonds,dunno y they say sean connerys best. dunno y ppl like e classic old gem.e new guy gt connerys toughness n tim daltons intensity. oni his body hot,but his looks soso.e silly spore system,y muz gst go up 2 7% n train fare go up le.stupid country!5% is alot lei!!govt tink we vely rich ah??tis means we cant shop2 much!

>>keen2 get corrine may's christmas cd,lookin 4ward 2christmas,meet ms tay4 movie n hope 2c sooann kor's catholic baptism.seem interesin. but if oni his family believe e true faith.

>>joke:a couple aft marryin started worryin. e guy worried tat e gal wld discover his smelly feet. sld he tell her abt it? e gal worried e guy wld discover her bad breath.sld she tell him? e guy pluck enuf courage,told her,'i've a confession2 make...hey,did u eat my smelly sock(cause bad breath)?'

princess-surfer at 12:40 AM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

so jus wanna write an entry... basically i tink e 'princess hr' soso, plot almos like sanshun, e forced2b married gal is cute, e married guy er... e other guy so shuai n e other gal pretty, but she look diff on tv... happie tat ms tay change her blogskin.but she change it2 old skin n add password. 4wad??!! but at least now we dun hafta squint our eyes 2c e words... crazy she!! tink e old design nice. her mom n her praise my new skin... if she wan2 meet up wif mi, hope can bring her 2vivocity, e coolest mall in spore. i tink she'd hav fun! so on sat 21oct went near dads office in china sq eat vil'age(so cool, its western food, market style, wher u choose e food n ure given a barcode card so e order wld b saved ther!!)... in ther n outside got cow n other animal statues, so when i saw cow, felt like eatin steak...e food was kinda delicious, fillin n abt 96bucks...in n out e buildin got pond(mayb feng shui), ther werent many ppl ther xcept e restaurant, thers christian bkshop ther which is kinda big n got seminar rm 4worship service n office...cOol!! wanted2 get e cd which was playin den... it rox!! ahh!! went pass e 'sushi tei' buildin wher joyce n i got lost while lookin 4youth challenge, saw sum ppl doin fast dance.tink its4 free,soo wanna join!! parents bought cake frm 'don pie' 4aunt, opp side oso hav tis shop...e 'hairy crab bee hoon' look gd(but its freaky eatin hairy crab)!! e carpark play nice pop songs n nicer den e willis buildin... sun, sun sch was shiok cos cher ask wad we learn in gen... liz n i say tings like cant sell birthrite, dun look back when not suppose2, like lots wife, we hav2 wear clothes cos of adam n eve...but wonda when can gen b over. so sian. den durin e service, aft listenin2 reformation tok abit,went chu's nursery class instead. her teachin quite cool cos she tok in childish tone, but in terms of noise mgt, not tat gd. but e kids wer damn funny. they ask if samson's eyeball can grow back n tabi ask if maggi noodle can make u drunk.but e fact samsons eyes wer dug out disgusted mi...i din noe tat they make him drunk2.4lunch ate 2bucks beef noodle which rox!!den at nite went ahkims hs4 gatherin n her bday was comin...e duck, ox tail, broccoli, soup n fried rice rox!!e 'don pie' cheese cake dad bought was soft n not e best, kueh dardar(sound like dear couples call each other) was nice n e tea they gav was real soothin...mon stayed at home den nxt day aft 4 went rml 2swim n eat...we swam 1st while kor read his stupid bk... tink he was forced2 com out of hs, swim n eat satay... when he swam, we alreadi finish... mom went walkin 2jetty... aft swimmin more den 10laps, went spa which was damn hot(i like hot but tis was 2hot), dad dip abit in tat n complain, he n mom tell mi get off cos no gd... i went under tis fountain wher e jet was damn loud n wonda if tis cause broken bones... den we had dinner@ bistro wher kor ate lamb chop... said it tasted beta den e meditteranean food we tried... lamb chops always damn hard n taste thick... i ate salmon wif cajun sauce(dunno wads tat), dad n mom ate nasi goreng, den we ate icecream, e tiramisu got rum taste which i dun like n e choc chip 1 taste gd...den we went home by ecp den pie... but y dad go by ecp when we're goin ther...n tis time had soo many ang mohs n hardly ani chinese... tis club always got tis deserted feelin... wad a great way2 spend hari raya... how i wish can celebrate hari raya once... nxt day had2 back2 sch which i dread... wed went econ class a lil late, got test result. i wish i din need2 take e test. econ now sux!! cher wanna combine e tut class nxt wk...nxt day hr chers lesson ok... said last lesson will tell us proj result, nxt lesson start earlier... he quite unreasonable,ask y we hand our proj 16days aft deadline, say its unfair2 others.hey, its not like our fault rite. i pass up my part on time, we did gp work, e gal wan2 hand in nxt day2 service counter but they said giv2cher.she tried2 get2 him but cant cos he left hp at home-_-"... if not 4e hol wld hav handed in earlier... den he ask sum ppl2 redo proj, 1guy got angry n yelled sum words at him like 'cock sir' den storm out e class... was lil shock but tat was cOol...nxt day when laokims hs check on her. she almos ok jus her leg dry, cant walk n eye cant open.ate aunt pats popiah.yum, tho its her 1st time. giv 7 out of 10stars.she told mi how2 make n learn e rite way2 fold it frm joel.he ate 5popiahs, his mom ate 4... his sch start jul nxt yr... wa if i wait so long, i'll go nutz!! n i got lil amused watchin him play shootin game on xbox. wld wanna try sumday...den as usual mom n e folks tok in teochew n mos of e time i felt like an idiot cos i dunno wad they tokin...but they comment abt skin, laoku say last time while workin on e boat, he caught shrimp frm backward cos they dun move frm front, mom intro b.a.h.d 2em, tok abt flyin fox n cockroach as food, den they tok abt e time mom was given away(damn, y keep bringin up e past? i told mom she sld hav asked em2 shut up cos shes not keen2 hear tat)...mayb cos they guilty... but hello aft how mani yrs?? mos kids wont 4giv their parents if theyre given away...but mom diff...aunt pat offer2 com my hs or i go hers 2show mi how2 make. den laoku go wif us wait4 taxi...e merc cab came. comfort was shiok, best in spore, felt like zzz, but it charge damn expensive, e fare go up like raindrop fallin, even erp fare oso muz pay...took cab2 skin clinic. i dun feel like goin but mom insist.ahh!! i oni wanted2 get tablets. last visit doc spoke in eng n teochew, now use chi n sum eng. weird. tho sum stuff repeated, but at least he din tok2 much. e clinic looks so dark n dreary, i wonda if im e oni patient who goes ther. e place gives u e feelin of isolation.sld go4 major makeover!! den aft tat we went home n bought sum buns back... sat nothin happen...oni watch hannah montana, lil of jake long den had dinner @mooi chin wif ahkim n ahku... her neck gettin beta...ahku tok abt hist stuff,ahkim tok abt cookin stuff den ahku say i may act childish but noe alot...er... he say he observes ppls eyes esp ladies...mayb he muz hav praise ahkim2e skies tis way n win her heart...tis way he can b a cop n tell if e baddie lyin or not...both of em tell kor n i 2b independent, treasure e time we hav wif loved ones...den we took a super long route2 send em back2 avoid e jam... tats y i dun wanna stay at their hs...1st i'll b bored, 2nd they nag at mi wif wisdom wordz...aHh!!but it was quite a full n wonderful dinner...sun 29oct anni so funny... aunt susan wipe her gals head aft baptism.e video they wanted2 play b4 message but got ploblem, durin lunch mel was siao, she kept lookin at fishball,ask mi let it rest n giv it a bath!o_0 tink shes weirder den her sis!!ahh din tok 2joy n yujie!yuwei wear spec.cOol.recognise some life bp ppl...at least more ppl stay2 eat...lynn2... tat day rox cos so mani ppl fill e church!! mon econ n pom lesson soso,blur blur copy stuff. 4pom i din realli noe e work.y cant i understand?tue got back hr work i did,6/10 not so gd eh?den he giv close bk test,mosly i refer2 tb=) wed 1nov cos it was hol,so mom brought mi2 toa payoh hdb hub...its ur ave hdb mall, beta den shophouse n tiong bahru plaza! its open air mall.ate koufu4 lunch(got own webbie),den look at shoe n clothes(purple shirt,sum shirts n tis white n green nice shirt she dun wanna buy=()...but she bought sum blouse n nice skirts frm 'ella' 4 212bucks. expensive huh?was shocked at price. nxt time muz look carefully b4 gettin.wanted her spend less den 200bucks but she n e lady say if i like,jus get. e saleslady call herself aunt haha, den speak eng, chi n lil dialect, damn persuasive(y muz they b liddat?)...y she pester us not other customers??so when ask her deduct abit,she blackface.mayb she say sum clothes look gd on me n her skin was senstive,she was bluffin.we spent 45min ther!wont go back ther. mom bought 'my bun' 4dinner n bfast frm 'cake shop'.yum,xcept kongbak mosly fats. wa lao.but dad,kor dun like...den ahku they all came our hs aft dinner tok awhile.ahku ask mi iron clothes(y wld i use e new iron?dad can iron wad!) n ahkims blouse n bag wer blue n rox!! ahh...thu was whole day!! sian of econ!!e lesson was oni 4an hr cos he oni went thru 1,2 topic. i felt like an idiot. thot of goin home but went tiong bahru instead. came back abt 2plus 4hr lesson...sianx,he oni giv tips tat he gav b4...he nvr giv us back our proj cos hand up late.tink we got c+.wa lao. fri was last lesson...pom cher din do much,oni giv a lil tip,ask us do gp work(but mainly oni 1gal did) n giv back assignment...every1 pass... but y nvr say marks...ahH!!nxt day was house bound,but dad brought us2 tis place tat look like food court. e mee pok was gd wif salted fish,dad order few other dishes,yum.den we walk ard2 digest e food. saw e ppl dancin again.they play old song.im lil keen on joinin.ahh!!ther wer ppl sellin 2nd hand stuff...not bad...den bought sum groceries n went back.usual family outin. sun din c chuhuey til b4 yf,liz n mel came when it start.chu cut her hair,not2 bad, but stil MESSY!hannah say she2 serious!u kiddin??!if shes serious,laughter n jokes dun exist.frm ss class tho im DAMN sick of gen,but learn tat if u luv a woman,jus choose her dun go 4others.but it can b hard2 say 'no',as in jacobs case.dads yf msg ok,short n sweet,but his pastoral prayer made mi wanna zzz thru e sermon.hahax.mos of middys family disappear, dunno y...she lil weird, dun com 4yf...like ms tay dun wanna com back...mon til now i was stuck at home,but at least yest had pizza, nasi lemak n green tea tofu.e cheese rox.all rox. my net time is illegal but wadeva.so hard2 du shu anyway.so lookin 4ward 2 go out wif ms tay!!wld giv her present late.

>>keen on 'happy feet', 'open season', 'flush away', 'casino royale', 'step up'(lil)...finally e ch 8 'enchated life' over.stupid shw. yeah,'house of joy' here.abt credit card debt. c ivy lee n adam chen again n2 ladies frm previous shw.ahh!!adam n his ex act 2gether!!edmund, ivy n chen hanwei act2gether how mani times??! e plot is so deja vu.sick of mediacorp drama.on radio,shan pisses mi.y cant he admit tat pedro, his 'cheap mexican labor producer' is himself? so wanna strangle him!! e subaru challenge is dumb.y sacrifice ur time 4a stupid car??!!e 987dj champ comin@ scotts shoppin center... shayma v desiree. wonda who will b champ... its qt cool!!
>>factzZ: do u noe ashton n martin, e ppl who voice in 'open season' nvr met. it took 4yrs 2draw n animate e show. now cartoons r carbon copyin each other mayb cos of competition. jOsh hartnett won fav guy below 30.men,thot ashton was best!!>>nICe sOngs... rbd 'tu amor', akon n eminem 'smack tat', jojo '2little 2late', paris hilton 'nothin in tis world', bob sinclair 'rock tis party', pcd 'i dun need a man', princess hr songs

princess-surfer at 1:19 AM


profile here! =)
hi, name: saraH age: 21 sch: mdis dob: 10.9.87 hometown: east of s'pore likes: eatin, sleepin, watchin tv n net, explorin dislikes: crowd, loud noise, naggin, screechy cardboard or styrofoam noise, bein disturbed in e dark




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