Tuesday, July 18, 2006

>> hey tis is e story of my life… aft middy pester mi2 update tis... where did I stop?? wow aft how long eh...

>> Ok 1 funny ting on Fri 23/6 we took e sch bus thot it’d go 2e station but it went 2 unfamiliar place instead… it was suppose 2 send e foreign student back 2 e hostel (mayb evans lodge??)... a super old place like build in e 50s or 60s... its an old place… den we got lost so we walk across e road e bus stop said ‘opp smu’ (e old 1)… den I guess it was tat bus stop coz if u go 2e other side u’ll go 2 bukit timah n woodlands lei!! wahaha… so took 67 back it was quite a fast ride about 30min (it went lil india, kk hospital, lavendar n bugis) n she took 154 2 bishan den take a bus back 2her house… we blur block eh??
>> All rite lets start from e sat 24/6 watched movie cars it totally rocks like e scene where lightnin mcqueen pushed e blue car 2e finish line… n where he scared all e tractors n mater scared 1 at a time n where they got chased by frank e HUGE tractor n fillmore talk about organic fuel muahaha n e gals who wer crazy over lightnin n oso e guy who transport him 2 california 4 another race… everything is so damn cool… love lightning, sally, mater, doc hudson, fillmore... had bbq at ah kim's house... didnt eat tat b4 i tink... e mutton, chicken, fish, bee hoon (rox!!) n garlic bread(nearly killed me!!) wer e best!!
>> Went wif sarahw on Mon 25/6 2 eat mediterranean food yum ate e tough lamb n kor 2... n it was like fightin it... she ate beef... tho she was havin sore throat can stil eat black pepper beef... she tok abt her life like bein in college got 2yr more abt workin at a part time animal clinic, abt security at e airport, bangalore trip, 4 hr away frm ther n 1/2 frm uncle george's church 2 airport... budget airline no food… my wont she starve 2 death?? 26hr 2 get home on wed… coz she go HK den Chicago den back home!! n chu huey wanted2 c her off lei… but didn’t coz overslept… she had 2b at airport at 4.45am liddat lei!! den e flight was 6.45 (wa 2hr security ting!!)… count 26hr n she prob reached abt 8 plus thu n florida is behind by 12 hr so its like when she reach ther it’ll stil b wed!! kinda nice person 2 chat wif...would send her 2 ecards next time…

>> dj shan is back on mon aft being away 2uk 4 awhile... so refreshin 2 hear e same old voice... but aft hearin hutch on fri sad2 hear he'll not b on air 4 sum time... n kinda shockin jamie left 987fm 4 espn star sports host but also gd la coz she ther 4 2 long alreadi... so whos takin her place?? heard e radio durin her timeslot... it was another lady but dunno who...
>> Well on e 3rd no need go school… dunno y but e following mon was in rm 101… first time e class was on 1st flr at tat block… but it was a loong distance 2walk in n it look no diff den if e class is other flr!!So 4 mm tut e sir crazy… instead of giving ans 4 e exam ting he jus tell us how 2 explain or give eg… wat e hell?? n e qn frm bk doesn’t realli help… n name sound e same as dads boss... n bis tut is kinda borin cos e ans not in e bk muz look at recommended text... even e lesson is like sooo out of tis world... e accounts ok la but kinda borin cos muz practice… n e accountin rate of return not tat easy muz memorise formula lei!! n cash budget sux wa lao… which qn 2 choose lei?? wld sure avoid theory... n wher e hell is e test paper wa lao I wanna try e qn again lei… y he nvr give back test paper??!! she got a new job at ewin (seems familiar mayb its e shop sumwher in geylang) but now like dun c her online le... n she may ask her boss hire mi 2work part time cos they wan gals... cOol eh... feel like workin aft exam ani way...

my dad announced on tue 4th he changin job n goin back 2e co he used 2work in last time... i thot tat was torture chamber but mom said e mgt has changed n willis was kinda stressful so he n sum colleagues r goin back... so weird rite? n e weird ting is tat aft 2yrs of usin e co car he had2 buy another car... n dad said ther was a head hunter2 match him 2 job... chu huey said tat happen 2her 2... but i not2 sure wad they're sayin... o_0 n e new car is e same as e old 1!! wa lao at least get another mpv ma... but e player, e aircon area is diff frm e other car n e new car is tainted... cOol!! at least can block out sunlite... so we can use e old car til sun 9th... so luv e new car smell... tats wad im tokin abt!! mon 10th was e last day of sfm 2391t... well gdbye 2 tat car abit of tears oni but will oni miss e no plate... but now tat he change e car muz remb e new plate... sLd e cAr b personalised since its ours?? ahh...
>>so e mm on tue 4th was borin, accounts on wed 5th was ok... cos he did costin systems n giv revision n on e 6th e final mm lesson (cant believe it, time flies!!) e lesson was soo draggy cos he go thru almos every topic n said wad was important (wa lao, at least giv tips la!!)... he suggested study 4almos everythin cos if u jus choose 7topics not safe... wa lao more work 4ppl like us studyin... it was damn cold but had no jacket cos it was in washin machine... den on tis day was miraculous... muz thank mr chia 4 endin lesson late cos got 2c tina n wx... their lesson is in afternoon while ours mornin... weird... didnt tok much 2 tina but she kept wavin2 me like she cant bear 2c mi leave haha!! toked 2 wx she said her batch is e last batch they'll giv tips cos 2many ppl r doin well but wa lao, tis is not fair lei!! so frm our batch onwards e lecturers wld make life hell 4 us... so stupid!! she agree wif mi tat dr desti e accounts cher is so arrogant, proud or tink he noe everythin... weird sir... den at least her bis cher giv ans 4 all tut qn while ours is so dumb n said 'go n look at e recommended text' o_0 wa lao... n his lessons r out of tis world!! if oni i join her class... wx operation cher called thomas leong giv tips but if he teach our batch dun tink he'll teach (hope none of their cher wld b same as us!!), her econs cher was our dip class cher n she said her HR cher called allan kwok has frog face!! she wanna show mi how he look like but dun tink i'll c her n tina 4 a long time!! their nxt exam is in aug... wa ahead of us lei... so in terms of confidence im least confident in bis cos it sux n im stil in a dilemma of whether sld go library 2 get ans 4e tut qns... accounts im mos confident... wld do final a/c, ratios, breakeven (kinda sux) n investment appraisal... but stil in a dilemma on whether 2 do cash budget... hmm o_0

>> sat 8th brough em 2 pot luck at siglap again... was fillin... ah kim pushed food 2me quite alot den e nxt day went2 their house 4 dinner(as u can c we c em quite often!!)... she cooked claypot rice which was damn dry n e nice foods r potato cutlet, hot lady fingers, soup (rox) n crab which is not tat hot... got egg, tomato, chilli n oyster sauce wee yum yum (ate last n was realli satisfyin)!! e fm lesson was so sian n so cold (e jacket was in e bag n i dunno!! *smack head*) so i left earlier!! coz it was e last batch's paper n i jus wait4 ans den go home!!
>> watched u tube videos abt david chesterfield (which is lame coz its like he pretend 2show magic when e gate open 4 car2 com out aft payin parkin), spore idol peeps like joakim (rox!), primero (2bad dun hav his dramatic song sorri), rahimah (wher dick said 'ure a naughty gal but i like it!! geez cOol but sound familiar?? but dun realli like her voice), paul (watch ja style her hair like his so damn funny) n watch sum funny video on zidanes head butt... wow he becom soo famous e french tourist ad use it2 hahax... guess tats e mos famous ting abt world cup!! other den e wags... well suns service was cool cos i reach church b4 12noon hahax... missed mos of e service but e stupid bus 19 take so long 2 com... nxt time muz find a better route hmm... den e yf meetin by rev ronny (hear e voice can tell who it is w/o lookin at e face) he said depression can b given by God 2 sanctify us, as a preventive measure in case we get proud, can b caused by anger, break ups n sumtimes He leaves us alone n aunt mui leng said hormonal changes can cause depression... n i shared which was soo short n sux... aunt lucy came back n wld leave aft a wk... her weddin card is soo cute n rox... she got spore citizenship recently but soon she'd giv tat back... so weird...

>> fav songs... high sch musical songs, christian bautista 'e way u look at me'(whos tat?? o_0), paris hilton stars r blind', emil chau song, van fan songs (tink so) n e cid show song when it ends... wow so long eh?? gOtta gO cYa ;p

princess-surfer at 9:14 PM


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hi, name: saraH age: 21 sch: mdis dob: 10.9.87 hometown: east of s'pore likes: eatin, sleepin, watchin tv n net, explorin dislikes: crowd, loud noise, naggin, screechy cardboard or styrofoam noise, bein disturbed in e dark




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