Wednesday, May 17, 2006

hey tis is another entry... sch has jus started 4 wks ago but now is 1 wk break... another break is in jun... sch's soso but bis is so hard 2 understand dunno wad e cher is sayin... is a tutor necessary?? e assignment wa lao so hard 2 get resources e topic so hard n mm assignment oso quite hard muz do in gp y not do alone?? stil not sure wad co they wan... mm is ok but cher keep makin us copy notes... fm is ok but e profit n loss, balance sheet got more new stuff 2 learn n is confusin... like wad e hell is preference share, interim dividend, appropriation a/c, reserve n surplus, share premium, retained profit... mayb slowly try 2 analyse... n all of em luv 2 scribble on e board... sch is soso but lil borin life sux... but made new frenz... 1 frm indonesia, 2 frm china, 1 frm korea 1 local... n got 2 noe another on 1 day... n sumtimes get 2c haseena when goin home hahax last mon e fm class got no space den wait til near 3pm den can go into class... e rm 2 small... waited 4e longest time eva n e sun outside was blastin damn hot... thu went white sands n guess wad saw yj... cool men... she was goin 2e chalet 4 retreat... we went ther 2 get stuff n change notes...
frm fri 2 sun went malacca wif mom, dad, ah ku, ah kim, soo jin n xiaoling... but sj n her left on sat... wa piang if they stay ther 1 nite mite as well dun go... crazy... den at first sj was like a gd boy e car behind dad den aft a while he overtook n was vely far ahead u cant c e car... it was gd ah ku n sj wer ther they wer like gps den dad no need waste $$ on maps... e last time we went ther was 3 yrs ago... n tho ah ku n ah kim go ther once in 3 mth surprise they not sian of e place... we mainly ate chinese food... was tinkin y not hav sum special delicacy ther so tat its more worth goin ther... but e ting worth remb is tat we ate portuguese food (e place is realli old in e 80s alreadi ard!!) n chicken rice ball (e food n drink rox haven been b4 but if u go later like 1 plus e queue was damn long!)... went jonker st sum places brought back memories like e cafe we went 4 supper but standard has dropped but e milkshake n hazelnut wif choc sauce cake rox... n sum of e places can vividly remb... walked past e pasar malam muz pass e stupid crowd n stil as usual got these chinese lookin places ppl do line dancin stupid rite?? cos ure mixin both chinese n western... n stupid hand wrestlin show... e oldest church is st peter's church in e early 18th century... ate ice kachang (sld hav tried chendol) at tis place wher we sat on high chair n ther wer cute exhibits n got cool old songs (haven been b4)... tis shop was cool... e shelves r wood e changin rm is like made of recycled material... like paper... vintage look... soo envt frenly... we went secret recipe @ mahkota parade twice!! den got tis shop called reject shop... means all e stuff ther r rejected?? but e stuff not realli nice... went parkson grand n hotel equatorial 2 eat si chuan food (e soup was killer) aft a wasted trip 2 a familiar restaurant @ jonker st n circlin ard e town... got 3 shirt n a 3/4 pants, shirt 4 kor, mos of e stuff 4 dad... bought sum food stuff, bags at tis souvenir shop... on sun was kinda beat... ate @ e coffee shop wher e half boil egg n garlic toast... soo yummy!! met ah ku's fren... den drop by a shop call tan kim hock(been b4) 2 buy food stuff den went all e way back2 s'pore den went rml 4 lunch.... if not wrong 1 whole yr didnt go ther so ther wer sum changes @ e cafe... wa... keep on tokin abt food... malacca is all abt eatin n shoppin!! n we stayed at fenix inn(phoenix) or mom's inn coz her name means tat... e rm is soo small n nice... e toilet is nice esp e shower!! they complain tat ther is no chair in e rm but how can u hav chair if e rm is soo small... e inn is kinda new... e bed is nice n e rm given depend on no of ppl... but e tv remote is wif e staff, e rm key n car key muz keep wif em n e no of channel on tv sux... oni 5... e oni regret is tat didnt go mornin walk wif ah ku n ah kim cos of beauty slp... they check out e prison n formosa (fort)... it muz hav been beautiful n mom went 2... tho m'sia u tink its not a nice place but e trees r nice... like road trips... borin but nice... ah kim says everytime u go a certain place e xperience is diff... e scenery is beautiful she says... spendin time wif em rox... she share wif mi tis bk by adam khoo's dad in law abt principles in life... he says life is simple... its like wisdom bk... n guess wad they say my voice nicen im a modern gal!! thanks but huh?? o_0 weird compliment!!
sum weird tings... first, heard e hoobastank song 'if i wer u' twice!! second, unlike e last trip e toto fella doesnt com into e coffee shop n disturb but once got tis deformed leg guy com in n disturb... third, e traffic lite is stil e old type n oni saw 1 tat look like s'pore traffic lite... alot of s'poreans went ther n came back on sun afternoon cos its long wkend- so typical!! (but mos wld com back in e evenin)... fourthly, hardly saw s'pore cars ther oni near 2nd link den u c em... fifthly, mos brand name n shop names r soo unfamiliar like they com up wif their own names!! sixthly, e coms r not flat screen they r stil e old type... seventhly, dunno y got alot of ads on e highway n in town...i wont wanna go malacca in many many yrs 2 com... cos e more often u go back ther u becom sick of it n e beauty of e place is destroyed... but nxt mth got church camp in m'sia... wa piang nxt mth stil muz go back... so left home @ 7.30 reach ther near noon time... left malacca aft 10am reach s'pore aft 2pm... abt 4 hr frm s'pore 2 ther...
went bugis jus oni hav lunch go cold storage... go hw 2do... seein ms tay on sat... eat, c show n she buy camp stuff... e break mite b borin... sigh wad m i 2 do??

fav songs: hawthorne height sayin sorri, shayne ward no promises, nickelback savin me, savin jane gal nxt door, corrine may angel in disguise, e wonder tat ting u do, elvis presley 1957 hit... hope ya noe wad im sayin n its super long eh... heex... signin off ;p

princess-surfer at 2:23 AM


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hi, name: saraH age: 21 sch: mdis dob: 10.9.87 hometown: east of s'pore likes: eatin, sleepin, watchin tv n net, explorin dislikes: crowd, loud noise, naggin, screechy cardboard or styrofoam noise, bein disturbed in e dark




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