Tuesday, January 31, 2006

hey tis is e chinese new yr season... tell ya sum thots... well e stats test was kinda easy... didnt xpect it 2b liddat... coz got 1 topic not sure of... if cher set harder den dunno how 2 do... er den e past wk was ok xcept we had 2 copy lotsa stuff in IT, den stats gotta learn hypothesis n linear regression... kinda hard 2 understand... n e story of a tube of sweets wher i oni ate 3 of e sweets e rest went 2 other frenz... 1.20 buckz 4 8sweets worth it?? e chinese new yr was fine... luv collectin hong bao n eatin oranges... yesterday was a loong day coz got house blessin at one aunts house... thank God she accept Christ... she was so touched tat she cry... jamie nearly cried 2 (huh?!) den went another aunts house(tradition)... was kinda bored... e latticia is so damn cute wif her blue dress n purple hat... she oso like 2 sing songs... tho she scared of cartoon like incredibles dunno y she like shrek... weirdo... den nic was kinda nice wif her pink heart necklace n white flowery dress... lixin was called sexy dunno y... den wad wld limin b called?? pretty?? den nic wanted 2 take pic of e sleepy cousin lixin n limin... den she go n take mi usin her dads fone... but nvr took herself... ahh... did play wif sparklers coz i luv em... cant believe aft how many yrs of playin can get burned by it!! coz was bare footed den my left foot muz hav touch e sparkler... at first was super pain... til now got tis black lil mark ther... but twice e sparkler hit e ground n was stil sparkin like a flower b4 it died... so cOol!! den we thot of matchmakin john2 n jame coz they same age n besides... not even related!! coz he shyly gav her drink n took a long time 2 com n play wif e gals!! den went uncle stevens house... ate popiah n curry chicken damn hot... like e hottest of all ive tried... but sum say not hot!! huh??!! o_O e fish at e house wer so nice... look nice 2eat... den e dog was oni a chiwawa but so fierce... kor says small dogs tink they r fierce til they meet even bigger dogs... we watch 2 national geog show on e china gals who bound their feet in small shoe... so poor ting... n oso on how e baby look like in moms womb... e baby can move n open its eyes inside... n ppl believe tat if u xpose e babe 2 music or sum sounds it'll affect him or her... e part wher e babe com out disgusted aunt dieu... den aunt sally say e other sarah head big so she gotta go thru caesarian... wa aft all tat eatin last nite nearly got sore throat men... den e hong bao got nearly 340 bucks... den i luv 2 ask ppl like my 32 yr old cousin, chuhuey n sharrel 2 quick get married so can get hong bao haha... like e don n drew song coz its so funny... tis song sumhow tells how i feel abt cny like e stupid cny songs dong dong dong chiang hahaz... happie chinese new yr 2 all... gong xi fa cai, wan shi ru yi!! cYa sOon!!=p

princess-surfer at 1:32 AM

Thursday, January 12, 2006

hmm wanna write blog again... tink e previous entry got ploblem... so id write again speakin abt e 2nd wk of e last term of tis course... its ok... tue was public hol hooray it was parent weddin anniversary!! it was quite a dull day but 4 dinner we ate al fresco pasta... e risotto pasta ice cream pizza wer great!! but dinner was damn ex...
e lessons wer ok... stats did probability den 1 lesson juz 4 ppl 2 finish exercises... so sian but not bad... as long as cher mark ur work can leave cool eh... e it project qn out... abt viruses... did sum research on e net... kinda simple 2 search 4 info like 7 pg liddat... whew gd ting got spare file 4 project... but not sure when exactly is deadline... e it lesson 2day kinda borin so sian... dunno wad cher sayin... e xtra slides he tok abt is like as tho he com frm another planet men... n best of all e afternoon class came our class coz mornin e other cher change his lesson 2 noon so our class kinda crowded... so cld tok 2 e vietnamese fren's frenz frm msia n china... cool... den ask a fren 2 email mi those slides frm her fren coz no thumbdrive 4cher 2 put slide in... wa piang xcuse mi he say floppy n zip disk r outdated?! but its true sumwad... 1st wk was ok... learn sum sec sch ting like mode median... n it learn abt wads inside com, hardware, software, type of com...
okok... hmm wad else 2 say... hmm e latest movie i watch wif ms tay is wallace n gromit... miss sum of e penguin movie but e wallace n gromit is nice esp when rabbits cry coz lady tottingham cried n e were rabbit is actually wallace himself cool eh!! we went on last day of e yr... so sian of cineleisure coz she keep goin 2nd flr toilet n we keep walkin 1 big round...
e exam on 28th n 30th last yr was ok... e law didnt apply case 2 e ans!! ahh... one part ans wrongly lor... e ans put negligence when actually muz tok abt misrepresentation... ahh... den pmpm e paper soo hard operation was easier den marketin men... so shockin... hope can get bs...
hmm decision aft tis course wld do adv dip in april n bachelor in day time... e indian fren wont stay another 2 indian fren wld start straightaway aft course finish... bedok fren mite not stay, vietnamese fren wld hooray!! sum wld start in april...
fav music... fren or foe by tatu, smash mouth walkin on e sun by smash mouth, semi charmed life by third eye blind, run it by chris brown, give mi novacaine by green day, catch ur wave by click five, a chorus tat goes im sorry 4 e person i became, im sorry tat it took so long 4mi 2 change...' (dunno who sing), jie kou by jay chou n tian kong by dunno who
wishin all of ya out ther happie chinese new yr in advance... e ting 2 look 4ward 2 is orange n ang bao!! signin off now cya soon!! =D

princess-surfer at 6:03 AM

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

princess-surfer at 12:18 AM


profile here! =)
hi, name: saraH age: 21 sch: mdis dob: 10.9.87 hometown: east of s'pore likes: eatin, sleepin, watchin tv n net, explorin dislikes: crowd, loud noise, naggin, screechy cardboard or styrofoam noise, bein disturbed in e dark




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