Monday, December 19, 2005

tis wk was quite fine... on wed tis fren ask mi keep her book... thu no sch... went sch on sat 4 first time do project... den sun watch king kong 4free yesterday so get vip treatment had refreshment in tis place like hotel style!! cool!! it was quite nice e t rex, insects, kong eatin n laughin (tho tis is annoyin), naomi entertainin e gorilla, adrien brody quite charmin n e part wher tis guy shoot insect wif gun hahaz... e gorilla remind mi of e person actin as it... andy serkis haha... he act as gollum in Lord of e Rings... e third one is shiok!! but when kong goes up empire state buildin its nice n stupid at e same time like deja vu coz other kong shows oso got tis endin den its like no originality here... so we went back by 7pm lor... e show soo long!! wanna watch chicken little wif ms tay on wed... tink chicken little mite b nicer!!
oh dear tis wk is last wk den nxt wk exam le!!! 2day stay in sch til 8.30pm lei!! first time coz of project... den ate at yu kee duck rice stall bugis... so bad law cher soo fussy wan our assignment 2b stapled... y not let it b filed at least?! crazy sir!! feel like stranglin him coz he make us copy so much stuff... oh dear tml n fri whole day in sch lei!!
wanna buy a new fone mayb nokia coz my sony ericsson fone sux... left e fone on 4 few days coz if off fone den on fone fone wld hav ploblem... parents went airport 2day c mission team off mi cld not go coz was stil in sch lor!! den wanna go tekong wif parent n kor 2day but cant coz got sch lor... advanced dip wld start on mon aft term4 exam but wanna take break mayb wld go in April lor... wx oso wanna take break...
waa... nxt term gotta go sch on 3 sats... den wk 6 got oni1 lesson... so lame... den muz go com lab... hahaz remind miof com lesson mom used 2 send my bro n i 2... den kor went army a wk le... mite miss him... mom say she miss him... den e army is kinda gd coz they giv u moz of e tings but stil quite strict...
fav christmas ad... carlsberg ad wif fallin santa n reindeer... hahaz... fa christmas songs... rockin ard e christmas tree, let it snow, all i wan 4 christmas is u, holy night n o com all ye faithful...
heez gotta go byEz... =p

princess-surfer at 7:49 AM

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

hmm... one qn 4 thot b4 tis entry comes in... how wld u describe ur yr 2005... well mi tink its both unhappy n happy at e same time... happy when i studied sumtin diff... unhappy when i was in poly den coz of wrong course... hard 2 cope... but e oni ting is tat when u change sch cant c thos old frenz ani more... but its fine... dun mind...
hmm tis wk is crazy coz law lecturer went mauritius so oni got pmpm lesson tis whole wk!! cRaZy!!
on sat n sun... mi went youth camp... it was at changi... e ting 2 remb is gettin mosquito bite n dirty feet coz walk outside e bungalow bare footed... my parent ask mi y not i stay on sun nite since mon got no sch... but i said wad 4... aft all e last day of camp on mon got nothin on... so bad they try n chase mi away oni!! but on mon heard tat lightnin coz bungalow 2 hav black out but air con was not affected!! =( when reach ther on sat mornin jus in time 2 say bye 2 yj... crazy... coz mi slowly take my time 2 go ther... but its ok... oni miss e message on fri nite n e msg in e mornin but stil cld b in discussion... so funny... e lil gals at e camp make life so hilarious... 4 eg... durin discussion n e nxt msg in e nite... they wer tokin abt ideal husband or partner... haha... wanted 2 roll on floor laughin... lil kids got SOO MUCH IDEAS!! they said e ideal partner sld not b gay, sld not hav aids, can wash dishes (my fren's idea!!), can cook... eh dots!! these r necessary??!! but of course basically e ideal partner is smart, gd lookin, sense of humor, God fearin, willin 2 serve Him, carin n lovin... den 1 of em said e wrong reason 2 marry is a selfish reason like 2 get citizenship... wa... not bad eh... n of course e msg on sun nite sum of e qn 4e forum was stupid like... 'if 2 gals fall 4 me who shall i choose', 'how do u noe u're called 2b single' (ans in e notes given) n 'when is e rite time 2 date'(20 yrs old onwards)... duh!! askin e obvious... e sat bomb game at changi beach was fun... all of us target chu huey sum of em got wet 2... den 5 of em dump chu huey by e seaside!! she was sOO wet!! haha lol... she tried 2 wack mi wif bomb but i stood behind a family under tree n seek refuge frm a gp of ladies standin 2gether... mi didnt play captain ball game coz it SUCKZ coz hardly touch ball!! was helpin out make water bomb... e camp was ok... e last nite msg sOo borin coz pastor tok more borin cater 4 adults... den e bbq dinner was not bad... e satay, sausage... but e drink sooo diluted n e pork was sOO hArd like e teeth goin 2 break... quite lame tho brought quite alot of stuff 2 camp but oni stayed 1 nite... mi slept on e bed given n use sleepin bag as blanket quite cool...
ani wae tis fri @ 7.30 gotta help out decorate church 4 hazel's weddin... cOngRaTs!! haha dun feel like goin 4 her weddin but got 2 help out lor... dun mind helpin... crazy kinda late den help out!!
ani wae gotta go cYa sOon... bYeZ

princess-surfer at 9:36 AM


profile here! =)
hi, name: saraH age: 21 sch: mdis dob: 10.9.87 hometown: east of s'pore likes: eatin, sleepin, watchin tv n net, explorin dislikes: crowd, loud noise, naggin, screechy cardboard or styrofoam noise, bein disturbed in e dark




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