Monday, June 13, 2005

yeah hey so tiz time i feel like writin blog coz 2frens asked mi update... well tiz is e 4th wk into e new course... it's quite lag... BUT e worst ting is tat THER IS ACCOUNTS 4 3DAES STRAIGHT!! it'll b soo borin haha... bUt 4tUnAtEly got comm skills 4 2daes but doesnt help much... tue 2 thur cld b torture... n heard e past exam paper cher gave was hard... sld do or not ah?? well 2dae was comm skills cher tok abt oral presentation... intro, body n conclusion... n oso how 2 overcom nervousness n stagefright tHru Presentation of self, Rehearse, Environment, Presentation, Audience, Respond, Equipment, PrEpArE 4 short... dEn e diLeMma came durin e wkend again... tiz fren sae go city harvest 4 conference... but sat wasnt free coz went 4skin tok wif my aunt n ppl thot i was her daughter!! wAt???!!! aniwae nvr mind la... i counted in tiz life i got more den 1 mother hAhA lol n tiz fren asked mi go on sun mornin but i said sun mornin got service... n e worst ting is 2 of my sec sch classmate wld go n i didnt go!!!! aHHh!!! dunno when can c 'em again... den she said afternoon but cant coz i scared 2rush... n oso coz we had photo takin... n den oso by e time i ate lunch i tink no need go le... so such a wkend... n tIz 4daes wont c dad coz he go m'sia 4 cHurcH cAmP... sure wld miss dad... mom oso said she wld miss dad... e best ting abt sch is evrydae 3 hrs... compared 2 poly which can b like whole dae haha... but hor soo lag... aniwae signin off bYeZ aDiOs!!

princess-surfer at 5:29 PM


profile here! =)
hi, name: saraH age: 21 sch: mdis dob: 10.9.87 hometown: east of s'pore likes: eatin, sleepin, watchin tv n net, explorin dislikes: crowd, loud noise, naggin, screechy cardboard or styrofoam noise, bein disturbed in e dark




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