Thursday, March 31, 2005

>>well now e hOls r here... cOol... wOw... it's been a long time since i update e blog... well joline >>oso ask mi update so i thot ok...
>>hey is tiz new template nice... hmm... tink black is a cool color tho juz tat e font is 2small...
>>haha can u believe it... now frenster oso has blog... sum1 ask mi go get... but m in a dilemma... alreadi got 1 stil go 4 another... hmm... bUt frenster blog oso not bad... but tink ther's no need aft all hardly write entry...
>> sadly my blog n shoutbox look so pathetic haha
>> well wad can i sae... it's e holz alreadi... but im stuck at home coz i hurt e left foot
>> well exams r over... but dun wish2 sit 4 so mani supp papers... hope can survive thru 2 nxt sem hehez... recently got into sum exam trouble... but dun wish2 sae further... keep moth shut=X
>> well here's wishin all those out ther happie holz 4 those poly peeps... but tink not yet 4sp n np pEepS...
>>wee lookin 4ward for class chalet event wi... dunno who organise... but it's 2dae 1 nite stay... pretty cOol... but dun wan stay overnite... but if evry1 stays den id stay oso... tiz fren soo nice invite mi 2her bbq at east coast tml... but it'll b wif her class... den i sae lazy haha...
>> well... nOthin left2sae but wanna thAnK cHuhUey 4bein soo concern abt my foot... she called abt 2times 2dae hehe lol
>> wish... is tat can watch weddin date, hitch, lemony snicket, gd company... n mayb white chick n cinderella story on vcd hAhA ;) wonderin how com got so mani hehe n haha... weird ah?? aiyah heck care e crap... bYEz... tAke cAre cHeErS cya;D
>>jUz a tYpiCal gAl wRitin her feelins herE hEhE... luv e simple plan mUsiC vidEo... n pierre bouvier e lead singEr iS sOoo cOol... reAlli hAhA ;p e other band members oso rock la... tink sebastian oso hAhA... ;D well gotta gO bYe

princess-surfer at 12:56 AM

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

hMm... bY rite dun realli wanna do tiz but nvr mind juz write 1 entry...
>> was shocked when i saw tiz entry... tiz gal sae she is irritated when i keep stickin 2her... but m not surprised coz evrytime i mix wif her she giv tat sian look... den we all got nothin much 2tok abt... wAd sLd dO...not sure if she's realli referrin2mi... but if tat's e case... i feel light hearted now... sumhow coz i finally realise actually mayb ther's a better clique out ther or mayb i no need mix wif tat bunch of gals frm cst... wa... if evrybody treat mi cold... wld b dead
>> well or mayb it's beta tat i b alone... but aniwae ther's stil tat bunch of gals frm my class...
>> tho tiz sem is much beta but dunno whether it's wad i realli wan... mayb business is beta... hmm... aft all im not a science person... but at least i feel a lil more sense of belongin den last sem
>> aniwae wad 2 do tat's life...
>> dun care whether got parental objection or not... but i wanna go s'pore indoor stadium tiz fri got invited by sum1... wee kinda lookin 4warD lEi tink im weird!!
>> tink beta write here so can remb beta... gotta photocopy bmic notes n oso call e CP n c another lecturer or mayb 2... (remind miself)... dunno y got phobia of seein lecturer... waa... did v badly 4 e moz recent FC quiz... m worried 4 FC n bMiC... dUn wAnna rEpEat... wAd sLd i dO
>>yeah lookin 4ward 2 seein tiz gAl cAlleD jAnIcE... mAYb aLl jAniCe r sOo nIcE... sHE goin2 teaCh mAtHs yEah... hOpe cAn undersTand... sHe nOt bAd lei teAcHin
>> well nxt wk is study wk gotta go back... gotta go back at least on tue n wed... den tiz wk on thur got 2lab tests... e mornin 1 muz b ther @ 7.55am tink so...
>> waaaaaaa... wanna watch lemony snicket n hitch... ppl sae nice... n i do i do oso...
>> sorri hope u dun find mi sian... juz a depressed gal screaMiN oUt her feelins
>> gotta go... luv writin in blog... tiz mite b e format of writin blog in future... haha... take care... God bless... feel free 2 comment hOr;) mite b changin template soOn!!

princess-surfer at 11:44 PM

Sunday, March 06, 2005

heyhey hihi...
juz wanna write a short entry...
>> tHaNkZ 2 tHoSe fReNs wHo liNkEd tIz bLog... bUT sAdly i dUnNo hOw 2 liNk 'eM... n hOpIn sUm1 cAn hElp mI cReATe a nEw bLog dEsiGn
>> frm e countdown clock... oni like 2wks left 2 exam... e unlucky ting is tat muz go back sch durin stUdY wk
>> wEll... e ridiculous ting tiz is tat mon's test is @ 8am... but it ends near 9am... n e nxt lesson is 12pm!! wah lao... like lecturer so unreasonable set test in e morn... den muz wake up so early!! crazY!!
>> wEll e wHoLe wK tHeR wLd b 3 lAb tEsTs!! 1 on tue n 2 on tHuR!! wAaaaaa.....
>> fEel like wAtcHin lEmoNy sNicKet... mAyb wAtch wif fReN sam aft eXam bA...
>> oKoK dUn miNd mI bUt m jUz sCrEaMiN tHoTs oUt... a dEpResSin sOuL lEttIn oUt hEr fEeLiN... hOpE u dUn mInd... no wonda they sae e remedy is 2 scream out if u're stress... best is on top of a buildin
>> aLL e bEst 4 tHoSe tAkiN e eXam iN 2wKs tImE!!
... jUz wAnnA sHAre a sOng tIz wK... bY rYan cAbrErA oN e wAy dOwN...
on the way down
i saw u
n u saved mi frm myself
n i wont 4get e way u luv mi
on the way down i almoz fell rite thru
but i held onto u...
>> wEll cHeErS!! sIGniN oFf hAhA!!
>> a riddle 4thOt: ther's a dead man lyin on e field... ther's an unopened package nxt 2him... how did he die... of course obviously no1 killed him!! (e ans has sumtin2do wif e package... guess wad e package is!)

princess-surfer at 11:13 PM


profile here! =)
hi, name: saraH age: 21 sch: mdis dob: 10.9.87 hometown: east of s'pore likes: eatin, sleepin, watchin tv n net, explorin dislikes: crowd, loud noise, naggin, screechy cardboard or styrofoam noise, bein disturbed in e dark




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